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Let's take a ‘lil swim into the woo-woo... 💫🌅

February 28, 2020 1 min read

*I’m about to take a ‘lil swim into the woo-woo.**

Ready?! Let’s go...

Do you align with your astrological sign? I’m an Aquarius and oh boyyyyyyy, do I fit the description. ⠀

Free-spirited, independent, artistic, open-minded (and a tad bit stubborn), determined, like to do things differently? Yes, yes, and yesssss to all of the above. ⠀

My logo for Samba to the Sea is even (unintentionally) very similar to the three repeating wave symbol for Aquarius ♒️ !⠀

But the funny thing is that for the longest time, I thought the reason I love water so much is because Aquarians are the water bearer — but we’re not a water sign. Then it all came together for me a couple weeks ago… I love being in the water and near bodies of water, but I don’t necessarily like to be under water for extended periods of time. I’d much rather be surfing or swimming, where the sky meets the sea, which makes a lot of sense because Aquarius is an air sign! ⠀

It may be woo-woo, but I have to say that it fits me oh-so-well with my love for water and all things in the sky… just like this dreamy sunset sky, breaking waves, and that pink rain squall! ⠀⠀


P.S. If you’re an astrological, woo-woo expert and I got this completely wrong…don’t burst my bubble! 😂😂😂


P u r a   V i d a,



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