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I sure do love sunsets, but the full moon... šŸ˜šŸŒ•šŸŒ…

January 17, 2020 1 min read

Do you have any cherished memoriesĀ from your childhood?

The full moon has a special place in my childhood memories thanks to a beautiful summer's night full moon stroll as a little girl with my Great Aunt and Aunt, who both were singing Moon River as we walked hand in hand. It feels like yesterday that we were on that stroll, with the refreshing summer's evening breeze and cicadas humming, but also feels like a far away dream. Itā€™s funny what our brains choose to remember, filing away deep in our memory banks.

You know me, I sure do love sunsets, but the full moon always takes me back to this cherished memory full of so much love and happiness. XXOOĀ 


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